777 Gaming is hosting two NFT collections on Stargaze:

777 Owner NFTs and 777 Elite Club NFTs

All NFTs in these collections have already been minted and distributed, but take a look at the Stargaze marketplace if you are interested in owning a piece of the 777 label!

(For legal reasons, we cannot guarantee any rewards or returns associated with NFT ownership. Ownership of a 777 Owner or 777 Elite Club NFT does not entitle the holder to any return or any ownership stake in the online platform.)

All revenue associated with the gaming platform will first be used to pay overhead expenses (e.g., the costs associated with hosting, third-party game providers, and so forth). After these expenses have been paid, for any remaining revenue, the following example reward structure is proposed:

  • 777 Owner holders: 36.36% divided equally among each NFT for this collection

  • 777s Elite Club holders: 54.55% divided equally among each NFT for this collection

  • 9.09% allocated to the Gelotto Staking as the House (SATH) smart contract for distribution to stakers of the Gelotto (GLTO) token

Elite Club NFTs funded the Casino start up, and will receive all rewards until the initial payment plus $10 is returned ($60). After this, the structure below will be followed.